Female Pelvic Health and Physical Therapy
The most common question we get asked is how did I develop pelvic floor pain or pelvic floor dysfunction and there is not one answer for it. Pelvic floor is comprised of a variety of small muscles that start from the front of your pelvis to your tailbone and are innervated by a lot of nerves and blood vessels. It also forms the base of your core and supports your organs. When these muscles are affected you may experience a variety of symptoms like pain which can be rectal, vaginal, vulvar, clitoral, alterations in bowel or bladder habits or sexual dysfunction, abdominal cramps or pain, and constipation to name a few.
At Pelvic Elements, we look at the whole body and not just your symptoms or area of pain or discomfort. We understand that dealing with any pelvic discomfort can frustrating and confusing and we help you to understand your symptoms, cause and together we design your treatment plan. During your initial evaluation which lasts 60-90 min, we take a full history of your past and present health, review your diet, your lifestyle, and your goals evaluate your full body posture and mechanics, assess your area of pain or discomfort. We make your visit as comfortable and soothing as possible, each slot is allowed just for you so there is no waiting or being rushed during the treatment.​​​​​
Pain conditions we see:
Pudental Neuralgia
Rectal pain
Abdominal pain
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Pelvic congestion
Bowel & Bladder Conditions:
Urinary Incontinence
Fecal incontinence
Urinary urgency-frequency
Interstitial Cystitis
Bladder/urethral pain
Hemorrhoidal pain
Rectal fissure
Abdominal bloating
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Unsure if pelvic physical therapy is the right choice for you?
No worries! It is 100% normal to have questions and feel a level of uncertainty when exploring new treatment options. That's why we are offering all patients a free, 20-minute discovery call to address any concerns and answer any questions and alleviate any concerns you may have. You should not and do not have to learn to live with your pain! To schedule a call with us, simply click the button below.
Dr. Bhavti Soni
Founder & CEO, Pelvic Health Specialist
Dr. Soni is a pelvic health expert and has been practicing pelvic physical therapy since 12 years and has been a PT since 15 years. She has extensive education in pelvic health and has been part of expert panels, global conferences and pelvic health courses where she teaches other Pelvic PTs. She worked in New York City with leading pelvic pain specialists for 4 years before moving to NJ in 2018 to raise a family and started her own premier Pelvic PT practice. She lives with her husband and 3 year old son.